RWE Offshore Wind GmbH

Call for Innovations – RWE launches global Floating Wind Co-use Competition

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  • Innovative solutions wanted in the domains of biodiversity enhancement and co-existence with other sea users
  • Deadline for submission is 31st December 2023

Essen, 16 October 2023

RWE, one of the world leaders in offshore wind, has launched its first global “Floating Wind Co-use Competition”. The company is looking for solutions to promote co-existence with other sea users and biodiversity enhancement. RWE is dedicated to accelerating the development and demonstration of innovative and sustainable solutions that be specifically applied to floating offshore wind projects.

Sven Utermöhlen, CEO RWE Offshore Wind: “We are one of the world leaders in offshore wind and are diligently working on innovation. We see sustainability and biodiversity enhancement as integral parts during the development, construction and operation of our wind farms. We have installed the world’s first recyclable rotor blades, signed an agreement for ‘green’ fuel service operation vessels and we are looking into artificial reefs to enhance biodiversity - to name only a few examples. Now, we want to further promote new technology and new ideas for floating offshore wind, which especially supporting our strategy to build biodiversity net positive offshore wind farms in future.”

Making the difference in two domains: Biodiversity and co-existence with other sea users

RWE invites start-ups, scale-ups, research institutes as well as other individuals and organisations to propose solutions to promote co-existence with other sea-based activities to support local marine stakeholders - especially the fisheries. Furthermore, the company is looking for innovations, which minimise the environmental impact on wildlife and which have a net-positive impact on biodiversity. The innovations should provide positive opportunities for local marine stakeholders, and ideally protect the marine ecosystem simultaneously.

Contributing to sustainable floating offshore wind farms worldwide

Winners get the chance to explore the value of their innovation for floating offshore wind farms with RWE’s in-house experts and to work with RWE’s global development teams, which drive forward floating wind projects in Europe, Asia and America. The winners are also eligible to a monetary research grant to further develop their ideas.

RWE is leading the way towards cost competitive commercial-scale floating wind

RWE’s ambition is to safely develop, build and operate cost-competitive commercial-scale floating offshore wind project across the world. To gain early experience, RWE is actively involved in two high-profile demonstration projects in Spain and Norway and has already secured a commercial-scale floating wind lease off the Californian coast. In addition, the company has submitted a bid for the Brittany South auction, has pre-qualified to participate in the Mediterranean auction in France, is preparing to participate in the Utsira Nord floating wind tender in Norway and in the Celtic Sea auction in the UK. Furthermore, RWE is exploring floating wind in other European markets, America and the APAC region.

Call for innovations

Participants can submit their proposal until 31st December 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (CEST).

Further information about the competition and the submission form can be found at

Pictures of RWE’s floating wind projects are available at the RWE Media Centre.


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