RWE increases its power production and earnings from renewables to a record high in the first half of 2024
At the virtual Annual General Meeting of RWE AG held today, shareholders approved with a large majority all points on the agenda requiring a resolution. Resolutions included a dividend of €0.90 per share for fiscal 2022, which will be paid out on 9 May 2023. They also approved the proposal to amend RWE’s Articles of Association to enable the company to hold the next two Annual General Meetings virtually. In addition, shareholders approved the renewal of the customary reserve capital authorities.
The format of today’s virtual Annual General Meeting was even more closely aligned with that of an in-person meeting in order to include the shareholders as fully as possible. All shareholders had full rights to speak and ask questions, and full rights of motion, and were able to present their contributions live by video during the general discussion. Around 150 questions were put to the meeting. The entire Annual General Meeting was also transmitted live online for general access.
Votes representing a total of around 498 million shares were present at the meeting, equating to 66,9% of the share capital with voting rights (voting rights represented in the previous year: 57.4%).
All information on the event is available at RWE Annual General Meeting 2023:
Photos from the Annual General Meeting, and other current footage, are available at the RWE Media Centre.