"For more than 20 years, I have been pursuing the same objective – to accelerate the energy transition. That's why I've always wanted to involve all the players, especially those whose actions have the greatest impact. With RWE, I know that I can really take action, because the Group has the resources and the determination to do things in a big way. That's what motivates me every day."
Joseph Fonio
Joseph has dedicated his career to the development of renewable energies. In 2002, he joined Nordex, then the leader in wind power in France, to form the project development business that he now manages. Over the next 18 years, he expanded the business in a number of countries, including the United States, where he lived for 3 years. In order to accelerate and expand the business into solar, offshore wind and storage, he transferred the teams and associated French project pipeline to RWE in 2020, forming RWE's base in France. Joseph is also a board member of the Syndicat des énergies renouvelables (SER).

Julia Bastide
Onshore wind power development
"Over and above technical and financial considerations, a wind farm project is about the people involved in it, a desire to act and working together. The heart of the matter lies in reaching out to everyone to understand local issues and develop genuine regional projects. Working together and sharing the value created locally – that's what I do every day, and that's how I see the future of the industry."
Julia began her career in university research, specialising in coastal planning, when she discovered wind turbines in 2005. It was love at first sight, and from then on she never stopped working on her own wind farm projects across France. Her career with a number of players in the sector forged her expertise in both project set-up and team management. She joined RWE in 2022 as head of onshore wind development and became a member of the RWE Mission Committee. A woman of commitment, Julia is extremely passionate about her field of work and an enthusiastic networker.

Vincent Desmidt
"RWE has a wealth of expertise. From acoustic engineering to our electrical engineers and turbine and solar irradiation specialists, we design the most successful projects to produce safe and sustainable energy."
After studying renewable energy engineering, Vincent began his career at EDF Renouvelables in 2008. For 14 years, he was involved in the engineering aspects of photovoltaic, onshore wind and offshore wind projects in France and abroad. In 2022, he joined RWE as Director of Engineering France, responsible for the technical disciplines involved in the development, construction and operation of wind and photovoltaic projects.

Tiffany Duvert
Commercial and legal activities
"Partnerships are an opportunity to support our growth, particularly by teaming up with local and public players. In a dynamic energy market, we have all the flexibility and resources we need to adapt to the new rules of the game (PPA, direct marketing, etc.)."
A dual graduate of German and French schools (EBS Universität in Oestrich-Winkel and the Bordeaux School of Management), Tiffany is very keen on international cooperation in the context of the energy transition. In 2007, after a year in Germany working in the cultural sector, she entered the renewable energy sector, where she has remained ever since. Following positions in construction, development and then sales, Tiffany set up and managed the partnerships and transactions department at Nordex France. She joined RWE in 2020, taking part in the transfer of teams and projects, and now coordinates commercial and legal activities.

Rémy Graye
Photovoltaic development
"The potential for developing solar energy in France is considerable, and it's up to us to make the right choices. Whether we're talking about floating projects, agrivoltaics projects or projects on degraded land, our objective is always to promote synergies between electricity generation and local issues, particularly with regard to agricultural practices."
Rémy started his career as an engineer in the late 1990s with SFR, working on the roll-out of telecoms networks. In 2011, he redirected his skills towards the development of photovoltaic projects to keep abreast of the issues facing society. He initially worked on rooftop projects and later on large-scale projects in the solar department of the French subsidiary of EDP Renewables.
He joined RWE in September 2022 to head the photovoltaic and storage development department. Rémy is pursuing a balanced strategy across the various technologies.

Maguy Johnson
" I use my experience in finance to help drive the energy transition forward on a daily basis. At RWE, we are taking very concrete steps to act on a large scale."
Maguy has followed a full financial and administrative career path, combining positions in financial auditing, management control, accounting and financial management, both within large organisations and smaller structures. She joined RWE when operations commenced in France in January 2021 and is currently coordinating the administrative and financial functions.

Vincent Lirzin
"I chose to work for RWE because here I am working on the energy transition with ambition and resources. The company's vision is clear and far-reaching, but also perfectly realistic. We're in it for the long haul with our wind and photovoltaic power stations being designed to operate for 30 years. We take the necessary care, from design to construction, to meet this need."
Vincent specialised in energy systems from an early age. Convinced that the future lies in energy transition and renewable energies, he joined wind turbine manufacturer Repower (now Senvion) in 2009, after a few years abroad and a spell at TotalEnergies, before taking charge of construction sites in several European countries. He joined RWE its subsidiary in France was set up in November 2020 to continue working on the energy transition through the ambitious project led by the Group.

Pierre Peysson
Offshore wind power
"I'm very proud to work for the world's Number two offshore wind company and to represent it in France. We benefit from the expertise and resources of a group that sees offshore wind as a cornerstone of its development. In order to assert our ambitions in France, we have built up a large team that will enable us to actively participate in all calls for tender, with the guiding principle of designing our projects with and for local communities."
Pierre is one of the pioneers in the development of offshore wind power in France. For 10 years, he led the development of the Fécamp wind farm, after initiating the project in early 2008 at WPD Offshore (now Skyborn Renewables) and contributed to the development of floating wind farms. He joined RWE in 2021 to head up the company’s French offshore wind activities. Passionate and very involved in the industry, Pierre has also held a number of mandates on behalf of industry associations, including leading the working group on maritime spatial planning for SER and France Renouvelables.

Sabrina Potier
Human resources
"The RWE employees are our pride and joy. I have the privilege of accompanying them in their development and supporting them on a daily basis. We are a team with a wealth of talent and very diverse backgrounds, who share strong values. We learn from each other in this adventure that brings us together."
Sabrina began her HR career in Germany, followed by a number of years in Ireland and Australia. Her core business at the time included production and R&D sites (Georgia-Pacific, Ericsson, WMS Geolink, Prosernat, etc.).
After 18 years of wonderful encounters with employees from all walks of life, she decided to work for RWE and joined the French team in January 2021.